Comparar dos hojas en Excel

De Luis Moreno Wiki
Revisión del 22:29 19 jul 2020 de Mayordomowiki (discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «Una Macro para comparar dos hojas en Excel, es una macro vieja tal vez las nuevas versiones lo hagan por default ahora o incluso puedes usar Python :) Comparar dos hojas d…»)
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Una Macro para comparar dos hojas en Excel, es una macro vieja tal vez las nuevas versiones lo hagan por default ahora o incluso puedes usar Python :)

Comparar dos hojas de Excel

 Sub CompareWorksheets(ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet)
   Dim r As Long, c As Integer
   Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, lc1 As Integer, lc2 As Integer
   Dim maxR As Long, maxC As Integer, cf1 As String, cf2 As String
   Dim rptWB As Workbook, DiffCount As Long
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     Application.StatusBar = "Creating the report..."
     Set rptWB = Workbooks.Add
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False
     While Worksheets.Count > 1
     Application.DisplayAlerts = True
     With ws1.UsedRange
       lr1 = .Rows.Count
       lc1 = .Columns.Count
     End With
     With ws2.UsedRange
       lr2 = .Rows.Count
       lc2 = .Columns.Count
     End With
     maxR = lr1
     maxC = lc1
     If maxR < lr2 Then maxR = lr2
     If maxC < lc2 Then maxC = lc2
     DiffCount = 0
     For c = 1 To maxC
         Application.StatusBar = "Comparing cells " & Format(c / maxC, "0 %") & "..."
         For r = 1 To maxR
             cf1 = ""
             cf2 = ""
             On Error Resume Next
             cf1 = ws1.Cells(r, c).FormulaLocal
             cf2 = ws2.Cells(r, c).FormulaLocal
             On Error GoTo 0
             If cf1 <> cf2 Then
                 DiffCount = DiffCount + 1
                 Cells(r, c).Formula = "'" & cf1 & " <> " & cf2
             End If
         Next r
     Next c
     Application.StatusBar = "Formatting the report..."
     With Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(maxR, maxC))
         .Interior.ColorIndex = 19
         With .Borders(xlEdgeTop)
             .LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Weight = xlHairline
         End With
         With .Borders(xlEdgeRight)
             .LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Weight = xlHairline
         End With
         With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
             .LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Weight = xlHairline
         End With
         With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
             .LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Weight = xlHairline
         End With
         On Error Resume Next
         With .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
             .LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Weight = xlHairline
         End With
         With .Borders(xlInsideVertical)
             .LineStyle = xlContinuous
             .Weight = xlHairline
         End With
         On Error GoTo 0
     End With
     Columns("A:IV").ColumnWidth = 20
     rptWB.Saved = True
     If DiffCount = 0 Then
         rptWB.Close False
     End If
     Set rptWB = Nothing
     Application.StatusBar = False
     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     MsgBox DiffCount & " cells contain different formulas!", vbInformation, _
         "Compare " & ws1.Name & " with " & ws2.Name
   End Sub

Esta Macro activa la otra macro

 Sub TestCompareWorksheets()
   ' compare two different worksheets in the active workbook
   CompareWorksheets Worksheets("Sheet1"), Worksheets("Sheet2")
   ' compare two different worksheets in two different workbooks
   CompareWorksheets ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1"), _
 End Sub